Avast | Lunch Break Headshots | Professional Corporate Headshots Worldwide

I love the never ending supply of protein bars and good coffee at every tech company. This was one time when I really needed both since I had to start very early in the morning. So early in fact, that I parked next to their building and took a nap before the session- the sun hadn’t even come up yet.

Avast had a winding office that spanned the entire floor. I got lost once or twice on the way back from the kitchen area simply by making one wrong turn. But by getting lost, I got a pretty good look at the offices. Trinkets and interesting artifacts everywhere. A slick design with character. I’d be happy to go back just to photograph their interiors.

Though the list of names seemed to never end, the session went by smoothly and at the end of the day they had their Friday Happy Hour- Bottles of whiskey, beer, and platters of food everywhere. Funny thing though, everyone went home. Turns out corporate happy hours are just not as fun as going out, even if they’re free.

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Modern Corporate Headshots, Corporate Events, Virtual Photography, and Commercial Photography
San Francisco Bay Area | New York City | Austin | Boston & Beyond
