Intuitive Surgical | Lunch Break Headshots | International Corporate Headshots

I can’t say enough about Intuitive Surgical. So much so, that I don’t even know what to write here.

They called me to photograph over a two-day period their Global Executives who were all in town for a meeting. The executives flew in from all over the world. Some came just for the meeting and then left. Can you imagine flying in from say, Korea, landing, attending a meeting, then flying back?

When I arrived, I was led to their full-scale photography studio by someone who I can honestly now call a good friend. Nicole was (is) amazing- nice, edgy, funny, and just a pleasure to be around.

I brought with me my standard Savage pop-out and China Ball LED- an easy mobile setup that I use often for boardrooms and small spaces. Setting up in their photography studio with my equipment looked like setting up a twin bed in a Master Suite. It was an odd feeling having so much high-end photography equipment already set up around me. I probably could’ve just brought my camera to the session and it would’ve been fine.

Turns out, the photography studio is mainly for video, so my portrait services started to make sense.

I had a great time with them and have been back several times since. When they call, I come. Love them.

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Modern Corporate Headshots, Corporate Events, Virtual Photography, and Commercial Photography
San Francisco Bay Area | New York City | Austin | Boston & Beyond
